All PDF features in one server application

Create, edit and manage PDF documents using the portal and web services provided by a single Java-based PDF server that works on any platform.
The webPDF server gives you a powerful, centralized and scalable tool to create, convert, edit and manage PDF documents. The PDF server can be quickly and easily integrated within any imaginable enterprise application and architecture. Enjoy all the benefits that the centrally deployed webPDF server has to offer for handling the document side of your business:
- Convert more than 100 different file formats to PDF
- Use the integrated electronic signature feature to give authority to your documents
- PDF/A conversion and validation features make archiving your documents over time fast and convenient – regardless of their original format
- Perform all the standard editing functions using webPDF’s tools
- Print documents using the server from any workstation and in real time
- A full range of export features can convert your documents from all major graphics formats
One server for all PDF functions
Native format filters enable the webPDF server to convert almost all standard file formats regardless of the original application that was used to create them. And the best part is that files can be converted to PDF format even when the original software is not installed or available at the workstation.
Digital signature, time stamp and watermark features let you do time-sensitive and security-critical editing, authorizations and certifications.
An extensive range of editing tools covers all your users’ needs. webPDF also lets you split, merge, print, and export your PDF documents right from the centralized server. This compact way of managing all your document processes can be seamlessly integrated into your day-to-day workflows.
PDF/A features ensure the long-term preservation and archiving of the work you’ve done and all types of document, font and image files.
The PDF server‘s OCR functions permit content in scanned or faxed documents to be recognized and in turn made usable within your company’s workflows.
By creating and recognizing barcodes, you control PDF documents in the company's workflow.
Scaling the server
webPDF is integrated within your system as a J2EE application on the basis of Apache Tomcat. Users and developers access the server’s services as Java web services. Interfaces (API) and the J2EE architecture allow the PDF server to be used right from within your existing applications.
The server’s multi-threading capability and the way the web services can be fully scaled to your available system resources permit connectivity to high-availability systems. The server operates as a Windows service, Linux Daemon or virtual machine.
Integrating the server and services into third-party applications
webPDF works as a stand-alone product and without any third-party software. It takes hardly any effort to precisely integrate the PDF server platform within your existing systems. Whether you’re running Domino, SAP or Exchange, webPDF acts as the central service provider and can be used from any application that has an associated communications interface.
Standard applications, and specialist and exclusively developed software can all utilize webPDF’s services. Users can also easily and conveniently access the PDF server using any existing or custom-designed portal.