Our technical contribution to tools 2016

On the occasion of the trade fair tools in Berlin, which will take place in June 2016 and will focus on digital working, our technical contribution on this topic has been published in toolsmag [Note: the original toolsmag no longer online]. The toolsmag expert blog regularly publishes topics around “Digital Business” and aims to provide background knowledge and information for the optimization of business processes within the specialist areas of the digital economy.

tools 2016: Our technical contribution

The articles are primarily intended to provide assistance, especially with the intelligent digitization of one’s own business processes. Accordingly, the articles are also intended to address SMEs and start-ups.

With our technical contribution “Digital workflow: Efficiency through professional PDF solutions for businesses” we would like to present our point of view on the challenges of the modern working world and offer concrete assistance:

More details, such as our stand number at the tools or similar, will be announced here shortly.